

This kettle.
A Brown Betty.
And calming Holy tea. It's just that kind of afternoon.


The Divine Jane

Please watch this "special film commissioned for the exhibition A Woman's Wit: Jane Austen's Life and Legacy" at the Morgan Library and Museum in my beloved New York.


Lonny Magazine

Issue 3 is now online!

Bookish Inspiration

Virginia Woolf's bedroom at Monks House.
And a cover design for Howard's End by Megan Wilson.

Via The Persephone Post.


Emily Dickinson

This morning, Emily Dickinson. And the following poem:

The Bible is an antique Volume --
Written by faded men
At the suggestion of Holy Spectres --
Subjects -- Bethlehem --
Eden -- the ancient Homestead --
Satan -- the Brigadier --
Judas -- the Great Defaulter --
David -- the Troubador --
Sin -- a distinguished Precipice
Others must resist --
Boys that "believe" are very lonesome --
Other Boys are "lost" --
Had but the Tale a warbling Teller --
All the Boys would come --
Orpheus' Sermon captivated --
It did not condemn --

And I'd like to read the newly published White Heat by Brenda Wineapple.